Our Horses
Horses accepted into our program need to be smart, patient, gentle and love to work with our students and volunteers. We are pleased to introduce our wonderful equine therapists.

MVF Stine
Tina (aka “Tina Turner”) was born in 1986 in Norway and was imported to the US in 1988 to improve the quality of the Norwegian fjord breed here. She came to FTGU in 2006 and has been a treasured equine therapist ever since. Though retired from riding, she still teaches children how to groom and lead a horse and enjoys lounging in her private paddock with her beloved mash meals.

Utica is a standardbred, born in Verona, NY. After careers as a harness racer and an Amish horse, he was rescued from auction and found his way to FTGU. Utica is a giant teddy bear and his laid-back nature makes him good for independent students learning to ride for the first time. When not in lessons, he loves roaming his large field with our other two large equine friends, Jax and Reggie.

Edgecourt Michael
Mike was born in Cortland, NY in 2000. Mike came to FTGU in 2008 through Oprah’s Big Give via a local TV station. FTGU was selected as the recipient of a grant that went towards his purchase. As a representative of the robust haflinger breed, he was suitable for carrying both kids and small adults. In his older age, however, he now prefers to carry smaller children and is a gentle and smooth mount.

Eric the Red
Born out west in 1997, Red is a morgan/mustang cross and was brought east as a barrel racing horse. He lived at a private farm on the same road as the current FTGU facility, where he was a pleasure riding horse. In 2017, Red was donated to FTGU and was actually walked up the road to his new home here. Red is great with teen and adult riders in the program as well as independent students.

Hot Talk
Jax was born at a farm one road over from FTGU’s current location in 1999. A registered American paint horse, he took part in dressage for many years before being donated to FTGU in 2020. He is one of our largest horses and thus typically serves a mount for independent riders and for use in groundwork. He is an easy-going boy and loves rolling in the mud in his off-time.

Reggie was born in 2003 and is a thoroughbred. He had experience before coming to FTGU as he was a therapy horse in New Jersey and worked with developmentally disabled individuals. A gentle guy, Reggie is on the larger side, so is more suited to groundwork. He has a large pasture to relax in when not at work, and his two best friends are Utica and Jax.

Mystics Good Will
Will was born in 2008 at the same farm as Mike and came in FTGU in 2011. Will is an appendix quarter horse. He is trained in the Parelli method and thus is quite responsive to groundwork and vocal commands. He is not currently in the lesson program, but is FTGU founder Andrea’s personal mount. He spends his free time with his friend, Armani.

Laylat Al Sahara
Armani was born in 2005 and is the son of one of the horses that has portrayed the black stallion. Like many Arabian horses, he participated in endurance riding and also marched in parades. He is Parelli trained and came to FTGU in 2016. Armani is an intelligent and curious boy. He can do tricks and is best suited to groundwork. His paddock friend is Will.